Hare Krishna

9 years, 4 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Purn  Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Sorry, I don't write you more often. I have to improve.

ASA(Monkey Piggy) - Yeah!

I am working as a school teacher after two years of taking care of Sarasvati at home. So, I am adjusting schedules. I get up at 5:15 am, chant 4 round and Gayatri, and then I wake up the children (during breakfast, we read pastimes of Krishna. I chant the other 12 round during the children play time and at my 1 hour lunch time (and in the afternoon if I couldn't finished them all). 

At school, I have got 14 children (4-5 years old). every morning, we wake up Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra doll Deities and offered them the flowers or leaves that the children bring from their gardens. while they are working or playing, the mana mantra is playing and before lunch and at the end of the day, we dance with some devotional music. We enjoy these moments a lot. It is very curious, that every year, when the children listen the "Govinda" song, at least one of them, tell me that his or her mother, has got that song in the car. they love this song. Every week, we watch a chapter of the Little Krishna movie and they like it a lot. This is all I humbly can do at school, thanks to Krishna's mercy.

At home, Nimai and Sarasvati are growing well. I'm trying to give them a good example but my husband's is much better than mine.

About the Gurukula, I organize it every Friday afternoon, after school. By the moment, since the weathers is still good, we meet at a nice rural property where the children have planted flowers and vegetables for Krishna. every session consist of greeting, chanting Japa, Bhajan and aratic, reading of Srimad Bhagavatam for kids, craft and gardening. The number of children is increasing, so my house is getting insufficient speaking about space. But that is what we have. In two weeks, we will be meeting at my house Friday afternoons. I am considering about extending the meetings to Saturday mornings too, when we could do more activities, specifically, thhe ones that need to be don in an open area. Could you, please, give me your advice and blessings to do things right and with humility?

Thank you for everything.

hoping you are doing fine when reading this message. 

Your humble servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP ---   This is a pubic school?  You can include so much ISKCON activities!   Sounds very, very nice.   We have noted every point.   Do you have Mother Tapasvini's Sunday School Curriculum and School Organization materials?