Hare Krsna Guru maharaja from Bs As

9 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances dear gurudeva.
All glories to Sri Sri Adi Gaura Nitai! All glories to Srila Prabhupada
How is your health?

ASA - Common question.   We answer it often. Basically it is good. We have bee having stomach pains for few days but honoring a lot od yogurt prasadam seems to have reduced them Everyone has these situations.   Of course, our Donkey is 67-years old so he is starting to diminish. That is good.  We will have another.   Only hope that it is in the shadow of Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet.   ISKCON>

I feel very good for many things. One of them because I can be on japa joe again, taking your wonderful and merciful association which inspires me a lot. Really.
There are many changes in my life now. I moved to the temple and I'm living here with bramacarinis (very good devotees with a lot of cualities) more than 2 months ago and I will stay till I go to Mayapur on November. This has been my challenge before I left and as any challenge, Krsna test us all the time. Specially our false ego. But anyway, I can learn a lot about myself all the time. Devotees helps us to do it and even sometimes hurts I'm very grateful for that because they help me to see my faults, my attachments and then I can realize what is what I have to improve. 

Studying BG opened my mind very much. I can realize one thing about my obstacles: everything is related with my false ego. Whatever bother me is because of this. If everything is being controlled by Krsna, why should be there something to bother me? So, I can to be rational and understand this but sometimes my feelings are very influenced by my mind and to deal with any situation may take me few hours till I deal well with my mind . My question is If I try to let go all these feelings, thoughts and disagreements, Is this detachment? Or, How far one should let them go and not involve oneself knowing that our service is not to correct others? not see their faults but faults in ourselves...?

On the other hand I remembered that you told me what we are doing is karma-misra-bhakti yoga, but I understood karma yoga as to follow varna-asram-dharma which is imposible in Kali yuga. (at least varna because we are lees that sudras). And those who usually has followed their dharma as ksatryas, sudras, brahmanas or vaisyas were very advanced and commited men with very high principles which doesn't exist now. We have only the tendencies but nothing more. So, according to my understanding, We could say that we are doing bhakti yoga contaminated with material desires? Is that a good meaning? I would like to learn more about varna-asrama-dharma. I think is a very interenting topic.

I know you like to know news about this yatra but I don't know so much.. The most important thing is that the authorities is changing from now till the end of this year.

I'm glad that you will be in India from February to May. It would be such mercy being there with you guru maharaja. We could make a short film or something. (Thank you again for bring me the camera. It's a good one.)

Please guru maharaja, tell me what can I do for pleasing you or at least what do you expect from me?

your servant...

who has much affection to you, 

Bhaktin Belen

ASA - One devotee commented to Prabhupada that all of the devotees in the Western world were Sudra, and Prabhupada said like, "Yes, but there are tendencies."

We just read it in the Gita purport that Srila Prabhupada says that at first we are attached to a certain kind of service: Be a Mother, be a King ... Art ...   Yes, karma-misra-bhakti-yoga is materially contaminated Bhakti yoga.   But we know the goal. We see it in intense Kirtans, Srila Prabhupada's association - pure love of the Gopis, Vraja vasi.      But we are still attached to our mode of working.  ​Arjuna can give up the fruits of the battle. Duryodhana cannot, but Arjuna is still acting like one attached to the MODE of working.  Later when the intellectual understanding is strong we can do a service even if it is contary to our Karma.

Then our connection becomes meditating on Krsna all the time and finally just purifying our motives.

You are a lady. That has not disappeared in Kali yuga, so that is part of your Karma yoga.  If you are advanced to pure Bhakti yoga you don't have to adjust your Karma, Jnana or Dhayana.    They just follow automatically.

O.K?     Follow the process. Krsna will give us intelligence how to relate to other devotees. Some are 50% crazy so we have to become expert at avoiding their crazy moments and being friendly with their sane aspects.

We will be in BsAs in a few days. January.