DTC 9(Fr)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

FMP!  -  14-rounds   -   2-3 - hours working on Chile +++  ticket.    Finally was great result. We can get two stopovers for 3-days total in Lima and then go out of Nashville direct and back to Houston.

We will probably be in Houston for a week or so then go to India (Spain). (Suggesting Chile, BsAs, Cordoba, Chile)

We've answered 7-Yahoo and 5-Blog letters.

TIRED...  But happy.

Going blind.  But feeling like it is best investment in our next body!

Now!!    Paint our Sankirtan post.   Sweep the grass cuttings.    Bath, Gayatri, read Lilamrta for tonight's class on Start Meeting with Ananta rupa Das in Boise (Srinivasa will send), 6.15-7.15.    Before that go to the University for some Sankirtan with Bk. Daniel and then to NGD's house from 7.30 - 9.00PM for regular Friday program.

Tommorrow is PdP on line at 8am. 3-hour kirtan at Dr. Desai's home. Then Spanish Sadhu Sanga at 7.30PM Start Meeting.

Hari Bolo!