The Fool

9 years, 3 months ago by David Presta in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaja

PAMHO   All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I'm reading a small book titled Swamiji.  In it Bramananda explains what it meant to him to be given Sannyasa.  "After the sannyasa cerermony there was a prasadam feast.  Sannyasa, we were told was social suiside.  No more society, frendship, and love.  Total dedication to Krishna, without any distractions."   Prabhupada sent him (and three others) off with only 25 cents in his pocket.  He slept in construction sites and showered in colleges.  "In fact, they were being trained in the school of real life, so that their newfound renunciation would have depth and legitamacy. "  In my ignorance, I have been being too familiar with you.  I have been a distraction and have not been treating you with the proper respect that should be given a pure devotee of Krishna.   We hope you can fit Sacramento into your schedule next year.

I remain your humble servant,   David, the fool on the hill

HpS - Hare Krsna.     Thank you so much for your letter.   I think you have been treating us rather well. Another definition of Sannyasa is eating good food and not having to work to hard.  Ha!   Ha!  Ha!         Actually, we have slept under trees sometimes.  Bathed in public beach showers.  I don't think it is much for tough than being a married guy for Krsna if you are doing either ashram with sincerity.   A lot of the real austerity for me is passing hours standing in airport lines, and sitting in transit lounges.

Maybe we are 87% pure, by Srila Prabhupada's EXTREME austerity.  Lot more to go.

I have clipped, filed and am trying to get to your paper letter again and again!

Hope you get a chance to get some of your wisdom out to others on your hill!!!!