.AGTSP. Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

9 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nityananda

All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

All Glories to you.

HpS - ASA -  Very little glorie to us, we try!!

All Glories to devotees and to Gaura Bhakta Vrnda.

Please accept my humble obeisances to your inmaculate lotus feet.

HpS - Only an extremely advanced soul could penetrate the gloom that covers them and our siddha svarup and see them.

Guru Maharaja I hope your health is really well. How is it?

HpS - This place is dukha-alayam, asasvatam:  A place of distress and unpredictable. We are dying a reasonable death, just, I hope, like you. Our health is O.K.     We are going blind etc, as old age always dictates, but we can look at this as preparing the elements of this body to be nicely dissolved to be used for new bodies.  Good service.  Die nicely!

Latest times in KC was difficult for me, 4 principles good, rounds goes down, now reaching again the standard, more inspired I start to hear every day Srila Prabhupada classes.

HpS - Keep track of how many rounds you owe Srila Prabhupada, and then make them up!

Guru Maharaja I found in me, something terrible for spiritual life, insensitivity. I can see how I cannot please to devotees because of that, my limitation is because I'm to be soooo fix in target, wich impede me develop feelings like empathy and tolerance. I'm so shame for that, and I don't know which tools I can apply to improve in this area.

HpS - We all start like that.  Heart is as hard as  truck tire.  The cure is Bhakti Yoga, ISKCON, Yoga, Bhagavata Marg!

My rigidity, offend others, for me its be sincere, but persons feel bad because of my words. Please Gurudev help me to develop Vaishnava qualities. Sorry for the reactions for offend devotees, I'm really bad because of that. My intention is good but my mood is so material.

I started to know a devotee, cultivating a friendship first, but not worked. I prioritized my spiritual life.

Gurudev, the program for new persons once a month keeps on good, many new persons came sing and they back again! They take prasadam,  Prabhupada books, we preach, it's really gratefull can pleased Srila Prabhupada Giving the maha mantra and His books. (I motivate them to clap like you told me in my last letter!! :)

In your previous letter you ask me if I teach in a course thats i mention (Spiritual Sciencist) Yes Gurudev, 2 senior devotees and me gave it. It over two weeks ago.

I'm finishing the course to give class, don't know how they say facilitación in english, with Param Padam Das.

I was summoned to help in the organization of monthly festivals of ISKCON 50 years. Waiting for your bless to do it.

Ratha Yatra is comming.

Education Congress and your visit. I will talk with Ambarisa M Das and Vrsabhanu N DD to do it in the better way. And Jagad Guru Das about congress.

Bhakti Sastri I have to give my exam in one week I think i will not go,I have no time to study in a good mood.


How wonderful is reality, how wonderful is Aksara Dhama. (from> http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/5400 )  Can you please explain me what is Aksara Dharma?

Gurudeva I depend of your causeless mercy to do something real for Srila Prabhupada. Please apologize my mistakes I really want to be a good disciple. Sorry for my inabilities and for my hard heart.  I really want to learn how to love Krishna.

My obeisances to your feet, my only shelter and my compass. Sorry for this long letter.

Who want to serve you.

Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.

HpS - I don't know details of "Aksara Dhama".   Aksara means Indestructable.    The Holy Name and the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda and His eternal associates are Aksara, eternal. Do not think that they are something temporary like things in this world.
In the beginning of devotional service, a tendency toward impersonalism is natural. Yoga is taking us from material variety, but if we persist in honest Sadhana then we will begin to develop natural friendly relations, but now on good basis of Santa bhakti.
No one is more strongly fixed in Santa rasa than the Gopis.  If you want to build a tall building you must have a very deep foundation.  Madhurya Rasa is based upon Santa Rasa.
Send us more news as you can!!!!
We will see you in a few days.
I think that you are developing nice personal relations. Just takes time. These are eternal relations.  Deep.
ISKCON Bhakta vrnda Ki Jai!