DTC 6(Tu)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!

Sankirtana is our eternal songa.       Blog caught up to 3-days ago. No responses to our Calendar proposal except from Madhavendra Puri and Ambarisa Das in Argentina. So idea would be to take a round trip from SCL to EZE.

Our inguinal ligaments ache.   They always ache when we take too much sugar.  They like connect your lower abdomen to your upper legs.    Hmmm.    Not to much sugar.

Today we offered 2-bananas, pnut butter and strawberry jam and three pears to Lord Nrsmha Deva.

Had long talks with Sesa Das about Education in ISKCON, Bhakta Tom about Guru-tattva, banking, clean up Start Meeting storage, Daniel here in the Ashrama for about 1-hour, FMP, bought "From Good to Great" over the internet (they will ship), etc. etc.

Now paint our mail post and go to NGD ashrama for our walk and Sadhu-sanga.

Hare Krsna!!!!!!!  ! ! ! ! !       !!!!!!!     Sankirtan!!!!!!!!!!​