Still anxious in Denver

9 years, 3 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakta Adrian: I'm feeling excited for this update!!

Since my last letter I have moved into my own small studio apartment. Living with just myself and my japa/books. My new place is 3 miles to the temple, 5 miles to work.

I'll be commuting on my bike about 97% of the time. I have had some good interaction with the devotees here. VERY nice/sincere/helpful devotees. Great association.

I spoke with the Ashram leader, and am letting the temple use my car, as they are in need of a vehicle. It costs me more money to park in the city than it does on gas to get around. They are happy about it!

I also live walking distance to where they do weekly harinama. I have been out with them before, but the first time at this location. I'll be going to at least one harinam a week.

Still going about twice a week for Mongal arati/tulasi puja/japa time. In my reading I have moved on to the Nectar of Devotion. Great studying material. I am hoping to meet via skype with Sakar once a week to discuss NOD. I have questions!

HpS - Dhanurdara Swami's, "Waves of Devotion", helps us A LOT to understand NOD better.  A lot of technical things to be explained.

I am also reading a compilation of Prabhupada's lectures on chanting Hare Krishna. I will be purchasing Srimad Bhagavatam set in the next week or two.

I will be following along with the temple readings and meeting with the devotees once a week to have breakfast and discuss on Saturdays! Also, engaging in temple seva on the weekends. This weekend was veggie prep, and pot washing. So far on my initiation check list I have:

  • Daily 16 rounds
  • 4 regs (not living with women)
  • twice weekly temple seva
  • twice weekly mongal arati/sanga
  • weekly harinam
  • Bhagavatam reading
  • personal reading/studying (two books right now)

At this point, what do you require of me to take initiation??

HpS - Have your read Our ideas are close enough?    The details of requirements are there!

I could have TP and/or Ashram leader to reach out to you to confirm my status with the temple? Maintain my program for how long before I can receive initiaion? Is there anything on my list I need to improve on, or increase in frequency? I wish I wasn't so entangled in material life, that I wouldn't be required to have a job!

HpS - ASA - Six months following your current, super program, letter of approval from TP, then you are a Formal Refugee. Six months more and other letter and good discussion between you and me and approval of Srila Prabhupada and you can take first initiation! 

Eagerly awaiting instruction-

Your Aspiring Servant,

Bhakta Adrian 

HpS -  Thank you!!!!!