Full Morning Program until October 3th

9 years, 5 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Calendar Development


Dear Gurudev,

The proposal to give an order to KIRTAN leaders everyday in the FMP (is attached like .png archive here also, updated until today 3th october)

Domingo (Sunday) = Cakori d.d Lunes

(Monday) = Hanumatpresaka Swami? (not confirmed, we are asking him now )

Martes (Tuesday) = Nikunja Bihari Das

Miércoles (Wendesday) = Jagad Guru Das

Jueves (Thursday) = Nanda Nandana Das

Viernes (Friday) = Radha Pratijal Radha d.d

Sábado (Saturday) = Candra Mukhi d.d

We save the monday for you. But you can choose everyday that you prefer. Besides that, Sananda / Bhadra Vardhana and Radha Carana devi dasi want to sing the tuesday also. So, the idea is renovate a whole names list with another 6 devotees the next week, so in that way we will have cyclic system.

For instance, Jagad Guru Das sing the Wendesday and the next one Laksmana Agraja, and if more devotees are registered, they will sing the next week, and after that would start the cycle again and like that.

Therefore, we want to know what is you opinion about that.

ASA ---   AgtSP.    It's cool, Brother!      It's cool!          Only thing is they must know how to do it, no?   Have good microphone, chant loudly first time and then softly next time so others can chant in their caves.  We could have one person on line responding, but that injects an intolerable delay.

On the other hand, we are discussing with Param Padam and he's suggesting use the temple to the event and he's giving us valuable suggestions to the program, with more emphasis in the topic rather the specific name of speakers.

Thank you very much for encourage us always.
Hare Krsna.

ASA - Is super Sadhana (>Sankirtan) having Sadhu sanga in our caves on line.  We can always work to improve this ISKCON requirement, Full Morning Program!    If FMP is good, day is good.   Work hard from 2AM to 10AM and your day is play after that!

Let us try short experiments that keep the current system and make it better.

We put your Education Symposium notes in other Blog Post.