DTC 2(Fr)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

....    !Paoho.....   HAre Krsna!!​    ........

6.00PM in Murfreesboro, Viernes.    Cars go by outside of our window, 30 feet away. I bet they are all in anxiety unless cookies have blurred their way.

Any man in the material world who has any perspective at all. Must be convinced that his future is dark, and his current happiness small.

Learn of the eternal delight, of Mangala arati of Shyama,

And the Evening arati of Gaura and Nityananda Rama.

In the beginning we must chant like work, but the wages are deep and prolonged. Later we wake up to the intricacies of our service for which we long.


Mail is caught up to 3-days. We answer "Urgent" letters immediately.    Bhakta Daniel has been visiting us for two days. He  is only 22-years old and philosophically strong.   Goes to the campus daily and distributes books to the throng.

The weather is cold and raining, and so we have canceled our weekend parade, at the Celebrate Nashville shing-ding, and will go to Visnu-carana's house instead.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.... All the plans come from Krsna.


Today we talked with Ananta rupa Das from Boise for 1/2 hour at least. Local news and Sastri studies, and sent pleas for help to Abhirama, Virabahu, Bh, Vijna Swmi, Harsh, Tamohara Das, Ambarisa Das.  World classical literature review was G. K. Chesterton's, "The Man Who Was Called Thursday", it is not worth reading. Little education in style.


Tomorrow morning Pada-padma, Start Meeting at 8AM,