9 years, 3 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsihna Gurumaharaja

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

I delayed a few days to write this report. Today we had the second meeting, Directory, and I preferred to wait to report back the results. There have been different major proposals being the following:

  • It is necessary to establish a work plan for the next two years for which we ask the help of Mr. Arturo Palomino who has taught the course Projects Management  at the University of San Marcos for many years. It [He] is also expert in international cooperation projects. I have spoken of NIMSAR and agreed to cooperate with us.
  • We must rethink our leadership model. NIMSAR grows slowly and we must implement  more effective management system.
  • It is necessary to become skilled in pedagogy and didactics. I was trained in two universities according to the model of meaningful learning of David Ausubel, constructivist psychologist. We should take education training workshops on this model as well as in structuring of class sessions  to improve our performance in this way.We have to find ways to improve the quality of the classes taught in the temple so as the NIMSAR courses.

(The first two pages are sufficient for understanding the concept)

ASA - We have opened the link in another window and will look at it!    One of Ravana's ten heads was dedicated to education!

  • Investigate on free education platforms  (e-learning and b-learning) as Moodle.This tools allow us access to a wider audience in different cities and other countries. Similarly, it allows us to structure and adapt our educational content to these models centered on learning and experience.

  • We will design and edit a bilingual website, which can promote NIMSAR programs and courses and allow us to capture donations from devotees interested in contributing to the ISKCON education (you can guide us in this sense, perhaps). For donors, we publish a bi-monthly online magazine and a monthly newsletter. Donations will be used to organize trips to some cities in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador to carry seminars and lectures with the aim of promoting NIMSAR courses. We have also thought to use those funds in the training  in issues of human development, coaching and pedagogy.

I'll be waiting for your comments Gurudeva.

Your servant
Gandharva dasa

HpS - Very nice perspective, plans.       1)  Does this fit into your personal passions.    2) What about Jiva-shakti and the ISKCON Peru, Committee on Education?

Thank you very much!!    ​        Educating for ecstacy.