The Essence of ISKCON-ASA

9 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

Madhudvisa: He wants to know how to find out how to please the spiritual master with one service.

Srila Prabhupāda: The spiritual master has given you so many things to do. First of all finish that. First of all finish sixteen rounds, observe the regulative principles. First of all finish this duty. And neglecting this duty, what can you do further? If you cannot finish sixteen rounds of chanting and if you cannot observe the regulative principles, then what else can you do? First of all finish this duty. Be expert in finishing, executing these duties. Then ask for another duty. And if you finish these duties, automatically Krishna will give you intelligence. Tesām satata-yuktānām bhajatām prīti-pūrvakam [Bg. 10.10]. One who is actually engaged in the service of the Lord, buddhi-yogam dadāmi tam, “I give him intelligence.” Krishna will give you intelligence. You will be able to talk with Krishna from within if you become sincere. If you cannot execute the preliminary duties, then how can you execute further duty? There is no question.([The above conversation was recorded on February 22, 1973 in Auckland, New Zealand]

HpS - ASA -  Thank you so much Harsh!   This is exact statement of what we have been preaching as a refined conclusion for several years now. To see it written like this is wonderful. We will put it in www... guru-tattva.txt immediately.    It seems to us you are really solving your own problems challenges. It seems that you are really becoming a spiritual PhD.  Call you tomorrow.