My ekadasi report

9 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna!     AgtSP!     Well, it seems your hope is a little ridiculous since we are in the material world, no?     Everyone, including Krsna seems to have died in our present situation.  Ha!   Ha!    Hare!                 The old people in Dvaraka were filled with youthful energy because then saw Krsna and Balarama daily.          Body not old 'till you dead!   (If you use it for Krsna)   Prabhupada's last words were ecstatic, no?

Gurudeva today I did not join SM due to yesterday I worked until 11pm , I was cooking, doing household chores etc and I was exhausted, my mother is worst... sorry I am too lazy I wake up at 5:13 am but I just chant japa by my own.. I will join Hawaii class today.

HpS - AGTSP   I like those classes!     If we can't crawl to the computer I guess we have and excuse.    I'm a lazy guy.   I do a full morning program and then relax half the time after that. People like you have to do a real days work and morning program.  You are our inspiration!

16/4 ok, I am reviewing SB verses catur sloki, it is amazing due to I studied them before reviewing them is pretty easy and the purports are too powerful I feel happy within my heart. Mangal artik I tried to join everydady SM.

HpS - We get eternal substance from whatever studies we do, no?

Sankirtan: Abhiram called us¡¡ I was so happy I am going to be part of the group who will help about the event in June ¡¡ Communication will be my service ¡¡ 

HpS - We talked for 1-1/2 hours on Monday about the program. Some details, but a lot of strategic considerations also.

I will start pujari in wilson one sunday a month starting this sunday..It has been almost 9 months since I did not perform pujari I am kind of nervous.. 

Radhastami was amazing ¡¡¡¡ very wonderful decoration, bhajams, lots of mahprasadam ¡¡ sadhu sanga... Gaura gadadhara asked me to lead an Abhishek in the temple room  for my Sri Radhika so that ALL devotees, guests etc may have the opportunity to bathe Sri Radhika , it was amazing all devotees, specially the guests , you can see on their faces all the bliss that they were feeling ¡¡¡ And then from the main altar the pujari who was leading gave me a fruit garland ¡¡ And it was amazing because I was desiring that.. and GM honestly it was the mangoe, and the strawberry most delicious I have ever tried ¡¡¡

I am kind of sad.. my karma has changed ja..¡¡¡ I received the news that I am going to work until the end of January .

So I can not join U and the devotees for the tour in South America :(

But maybe I can run away some days ¡¡ following the footsteps of Jagad Guru ¡¡¡¡ who was in lima back to chile and then appeared in Tarapoto :)

I am  just going to wait your schedule and try to join U and  devotees   in some dates ¡¡¡

Thank U GM, please kindly forgive my offenses

Trying be iur disciple 

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Yes, we will write a separate post about Calendars today.   So many nice pictures!   Keep listening to your Mom. Understand what story in the SB she is in and then help her!!!!!     In her next lifetime maybe she will be Srila Prabhupada's cook like Mother Yamuna!