
9 years, 3 months ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports
AGTSP PAMHO Dear maharaja I hope this letter finds you ok. I am writing to tell you that I broke up my relationship of six years, after being with someone that wasn't devoted and wasn't interested in being either. It was very hard for me, but I could do it. I want to serve Krishna, and I can't do it correctly with someone that doesn't inspire me. I talked with Prabhu Maha Hari and maybe I will go to the temple for some time. But I dont know, since I have a job and I study. Maybe I will be able to be there on weekends. Last time I wrote you, I told you about my job cooperating in the temple, and you asked me what was it about. Well, we recover laksmi for the temple. The devoted partners pay a monthly fee as a donation. My service is to help the devoted people and charge the fees. Its hard, but it makes me happy and I know its important for the economic reality of the temple. My Japa is improving, not every round is as good as I wish, but I'm trying!!!! My principles are ok and 16 rounds a day. I hope to see you soon. Your aspiring servant, Bktn Lali. HpS - AGTSP! Paoho.... .... Thank you for the news. Seems like a long time since you last wrote. Please send little bits of news more often! Yes, spend some time in the Ashrama. Arjuna had to renounce Bhisma, Drona, his cousins, but then he saw what he was doing was the best thing for everybody. Donations are concentrated work. no? People like to work for Krsna, but they want to see how their work is having a practical result.