A Champu by Bhakta Naro & Monkey

9 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category A



NOTE: This is a Champu, not to be confused with a Shampoo. A Champu is a mixture of poetry and prose.
I had a dog named Bosco,
Who owned a Spanish cat.
Because they danced in Sankirtan,
Neither one grew fat.

But then one day,
A rat moved in,
To their house in Madrid town,
Made pussy joke and laugh,
He became a furry, Krsna, klown.

A respectable Japanese rat, from ISKCON Kammisato, he was.    Spoke English, Mandarin, Spanish and Brajabasi.    Strict vegetarian since birth.    Parents honored Raja-bhoga Mahaprasad daily from the Head-pujari.

Monkey: Did they play the Big Mrdanga? Did they distribute many, many buks daylee?

N: Well, sometimes yes and sometimes no. I mean, they were animals.
Their owner would play a hurdy-gurdy machine and they would do tricks like in a little circus and then Bosco would go around with a cup in his mouth for donations and had a bag of books around his neck, and people would give coins and take small books.
Then they would read them and order big books and other books by mail.

Monkey: Spanish books?!

N: Yes, well usually, but sometimes even Chinese and Japanese books because many tourist came to Madrid.
Most of them did not become Hare Krsna devotees, but they became Paramatma realized and then they could find God in their own tradition.

Monkey: Vasistha told us that in Russia they call God, "Bhog".

N: Do they kill people in the name of God?

Monkey: I don't think so. That kind of religious violence seems to be a European thing, like the Spanish Inquisition, the Third Reich. In Russia they seem to kill people for political power and prestige, and the sex and good house and food that come with it.
If you are a Hare Krsna, you just don't pay any kind of direct attention to this kind of violence. You just engage in devotional service, Sankirtana, as Srila Prabhupada encourages, and get the books and music out.
That's enough.

N: Bosco, Kitty and Ratty didn't distribute a lot of books, but they made a lot of devotees, who each distributed a few and sometimes a lot of books.

Monkey: Achaa!   I will go and do likewise. Hare Krsna,     Hare Krsna.    Krsna book, Ki Jai!

N: Flabbergasting! !    !