Happy Radhastami!!!

9 years, 4 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports
Pamho Gurudeva!TlGASP ! TLGASSRMV!!! Happy Radhastami!! Srimati Radharani protect very much!! Excuse me please for the long long long letters ... now write in englih .. write letters short...:-) Look beatifuls photos in balarana pournina, janmastami and aparcion trascendental of Srila Prabhupada!! in your travel in tarapoto and chosica...i am happy to see happy Gurudeva!!! Here photo gopalito in balaramastami.. janmastami go the devottes .. !! Very nice kirtannn.. love the kirtans♥ For now 64 books smoll and one bhagavad gita distributed!! Only for you mercy!! Sadhana complet morning with 22 rounds. Sometimes not up for mangalar.. :-( bad much days up 2am o 3am , 4 am...:-) sow sow exhausting for colect and milk mother...!! Bad by your mercy to prosecute!! Remitancce after parts of the letters long ... Thanks for you patience!! Excuse me my offens.. you mercy for understand best... Obsesainces of franco bone and gopalito.. he says for look one You video or photo: ha- nu - mannnnnn ... or pra- bhu- paddd.....i am felling in love of gopalitooo!♥ Happy come bak japa joe!! FMP!!!! Intent to please content you heart absorbed in concience of krsna!! Jpjr dd. HpS - AGTSP Did you use www.translate.google.com to translate your letter? If you write in simple sentences with simple words it does a good job. Then you can read it, learn, and make little adjustments as needed. Such very, very nice news. Your Sankirtan is very wonderful. You life is wonderful. 85% perfect. Just have to solve a few problems and you are prepared to take birth in Krsna lila in you next life. Guess pictures of Gopalita are in next letter!