Continuation of trip to chile letter

9 years, 4 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to your lotus feet Hare Krishna maharaja Pleace accept my humble obesciences

HpS - AGTSP. How are you Sr. Juanka? I hope you have been reading the letters and DTCs here. You can see why it has taken two weeks for us to answer. In any case it is very nice to hear from you. Yes, we think we remember getting letters from you. Thank you also for the photo. There was big Rathayatra in Panama recently, no? Bh. Sundara Goswami was there and others. Are you steady in your Japa vrata? 16-rounds minimum daily? Chanting Japa, sitting with attention, it is so natural to begin to experience Krsna's Form, Qualities, Associates and Lila, "NOI 7-8". Any questions? Are you married with five wives and 26-children? Are you a brain surgeon? Do you have a father and mother?????

I have read your letters gurudev and i am aware, i hope you are doing very well and krishna keeping your mind calm.

HpS - ASA ---  Maya can be subtle, so we have to be more subtle in our defense. Other wise She can engage us in subtle falldowns. Subtle loss of valuable service!!

yes maharaja there was a big Ratha yatra here in panama we had an [ec]static and happy festival i remember sending you pictures, you to dear gurudev, Bh Sundara Goswami , Guru Prasad Swami and Bhakti Busana Maharaja were here yes . I am very well maharaja just finishing doing the flowers the garlands for tomorrow arti.

Yes i am steady on my 16 rounds chanting sometimes i try to go an extra one if i have spare time , yes i have on question guredev What do you think about me taking inicitation at chile now that i am going to see you on January

HpS - Seems very nice if ​we can get letter of recomendation from Temple president now.

I am not married i only have 28 i will be 29 on the 24 of SEPTEMBER , i am a brain surgeon hahha no just kidding i am an ilustrator and graphic designer(i work with art and i also paint and draw a lot right now i am tryting to write a book and ilustrate it ) maharaja .

HpS - Today is 25th September. Happy birthday. Giving a lot cows to Brahmanas!   So, one third of your life has passed. Was it quick?  What did you accomplish?

about my father and mother we spoke about them like 3 months ago <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="" title="cheeky" width="23" />

ill post you what we spoke of them :

My family is very small it consist of my Mom with whom i lived she is 62 years old she works at a national TV Channel in the area of publicity managment,she is faithful catholic but she respect a lot other faiths . She is really opened and respectful that i believe in Krishna conciousness.

HpS - Jaya.  We forgot. Past 60-your short term memory decrease, but your intelligence can increase!    We may ask things several times and eventually it will sink in.

HpS - Thank you! AGTSP! Has she read Thomas Akampis, "Imitation of Christ"? It is biggest selling Christian book after the Bible. Is nice. Is hundreds of years old. You could read it together.

My dad he is 76 years old he is retired he was a University profesor in the field of economy and statistics and lives at another city 5 hours from here ,he is not very devotional , he doenst believe in any especific area he is kinda like an agnostic. He believe in mother nature being respectful with nature and animals but he aint a vegetarian .

HpS - Pantheism. Chapter 10 Bhagavad gita and Canto Two, Chapter One for him, no?

THANKS for you wise advice bout them maharaja i truely appreaciated :)


Bhakta Juanka

HpS - Has your mother read "Imitation of Christ"?  Father, BG, chapter 10, 11?