Hare Krishna-God is God

9 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

motivation for writing this letter is very low, because basically I have nothing good to say.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!   It may not be good, but its spiritual!

...still here between Oslo and Årjäng, Sweden, it is a small village on the border. struggling to work. I humbly hope the day where I can do something nice for you. I know that without following the process, sing and follow the 4 regulative principles; you can not make any real progress, in order to rise to the transcedental platform where you can savor the nectar of devotion, and experience ananda. anyway sometimes I have very good realizations that keep my spirit alive. about me; Great Barrier, 3 modes of material nature. want to act in a way; without following the script is impossible. Hope is my friend; to be in a better position where I can fight harder.

Maharaj thank you very much for everything.

HpS - Look at BG 6.37 +. Krsna says that one who does good my friend is never overcome by evil.   Make some practical plan. Inch by inch its always a "cinch" (easy).   Vow to chant a certain number of rounds that you know you can do, here, in the Blog, for a certain time, and then make your report, etc. All progress here is eternal. Yes, it is easier to follow th Sattvik princples in the mode of goodness, but you can be a devotee in any situation.