Dialog with Eduardo

9 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category B

[3:21:50 AM] hp swami: Good morning Doctor. How are you? It is 3.15AM here in Tennessee. The last part of our journey back to USA was intense: Chosica, Lima, Mexico City, Houston, Nashville.

Our energy is still not recovered. Honestly speaking we don't know if we will live or die at this point. However, Seneca comments, "If my bark (boat) sinks, it is but to another sea".     In any case, shall we die discussing philosophy? 

We would certainly have the company of such immortal geniuses as Socrates, Descartes, Jung/Freud, Krsna.  We will send copy of this to our esteemed friend Professor Samaresh Bandyopadhyay former head of Ancient Indian History and Culture at the University of Calcutta.

Also, your good friend and our new acquaintance the Venerable Director of the Peruvian National Library might like to join the dialog at times, no?

[3:24:06 AM] hp swami: For us we can agree with Socrates in the Phaedo that these discussions about the ultimate nature of the self, its immortality, at this point, the cup of poison in front of us, are not idle speculations. Old or young man, we have to agree with Albert Camus about the primacy of death as an element in our philosophy of life.