Denver - Bh. Adrian - Update

9 years, 5 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Jay!

Bhakta Adrian here. Just starting to get more established here in Denver. Started a job with the Department Of Revenue, helping people with their taxes. On the up-side, they allow me to decorate my desk at my leisure, soon to have nice pictures of Radha and Krishna to help keep my mind on them as much as possible. Going to try to go to at least part of morning programs at the temple twice a week. Going to try this new schedule for a little while and adjust as needed

HpS - AGTSP!   Whatever you do regularly every day, at that you will become perfect.

I have yet to have an in-person conversation with the Temple President here. However, he did call me, and we spoke briefly on how I can move forward and get integrated nicely into this community (starting with morning sanga). I also reached out to the Ashram leader here to see if there is some service I can do on the weekends. I am just waiting to hear back from him.

ASA - Great!

I finally finished reading Mahabharata! I'm so excited! I am almost ready to read it again. Trying to decide on which book to read next.

ASA - Krsna Dharma's?   It is on-line at Also his Ramayan. Read the regular SB class verses that they have in the Temple and discuss them with a study partner. Read several books at the same time. Mahabharata and Ramayan are kind of like restful reading, no? 

Divorce is getting finalized. I met another devotee girl, a bit older than me, Russian girl. We are currently living together.

ASA - Adrian!!!    You can't be a member of ISKCON if you live with girls un-married. Rule from Prabhupada in the very first days. Is animal life!     Whoop!     Whoop!     WHoop!    Of course, we all got our attachements, problems, BUT, we have to be progressive and solve them. Also, the choice of Maya: Prabhupada said (They say) that a younger man can NEVER control and older woman. She will always have a false ego of superiority. I have seen this as true, true, true over and over and over again during 40-years as a devotee.  Several times I thought, O.K. in this case it might work, but ploop!   Divorce, separation. Only candidates so far are one Latin American Temple President and his wife who may even have joined together. They have been hanging in ther for many years.

She is favorable towards Krishna Consciousness, but is a little more open minded and into astrology/mystic yoga/ demi-god worship. At least I am able to stay strong in my own sadhana. Feeling nervous if you might disapprove of this situation.

HpS - We disapprove of the situation but not you.   One man's food is another man's poison. If we are going to go out and have illicit sex with dead bodies or donkeys then it is BETTER to live with a living human girlfriend. Progress is first, not our level of elevation, but the standard of ISKCON life is there.  Jaya Srila Prabhupada, and he and Krsna will let us solve these problems for EVERYBODIES benefit.  Go on chanting and see!   You are a Mahatma

Maybe I should see if the temple has an extra room for me to live in? Maybe I can move forward nicely in my devotion with the new girl? 

I want to take initiation as seriously as possible. Still chanting! Any news or advise or instruction you feel inspired to share?

Your Aspiring Servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - Try and act for everybodies benefit. Then life is simple!!    More news of your Tapasya.