Sila : question

9 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Hope U are better ¡¡¡

I was being asked about sila worship today, but one question I could not answer.. is the following

In Govardhana puja for example if one has a personal sila (not worship in the temple).. and one wants to make a program at home, others who do not have second initiation or not properly following or followed the standard of a Brahmana should bathe Him or not??

Thank U Gurudeva in advance

trying to be iur disciple


ASA - Don't know Prabhupada's instructions on the matter, but in general seems Giriraja is a very personal guest. A very sincere person who is not following 100% strictly may please him, but in general seems Brahman initiation is required or many years of strict first initiation standard.