Requesting shelter

9 years, 5 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Personal Sadhana Reports
Please accept my humble obiesances All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Hare Krishna Maharaja, I spoke with you on the phone in early 2014 about permaculture and how temples should have close by orchards and low maintenance gardens. I've been going to the saint Louis temple for 4 years and I've stayed in other iskcon temples around the country since then. I would like to get serious about Krishna consciousness now. Currently I'm chanting irregularly but getting close to 16 rounds a day, and I'm following no meat eating no gambling, but struggle with the other 2 regulative principles. I need some advice on personal matters I was living in a new Krishna house in saint Louis with my girlfriend and things didn't work out so I'm staying at my parents and contemplating joining the brahmacarya ashram in Denver colorado. Maharaja will you please accept me as your disciple and give me some direction on these matters? Your aspiring servant Bhakta Daniel Hare Krishna HpS - AGTSP! There is another letter from you more recently. Let us see what that says.