4 monkeys

9 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I was remembering the thing about the fourth monkey that U told us on Janmastami POST NO EVIL,,, I spend most of the time on the computer and now I will spend more ¡ I am working on long distance education.. giving classes about Renewable Energias Solar energy, biomass, Eolic etc..my carreer actually I have to read more and to catch up on a lot.. nice ¡¡¡

  I felt identified so I am the fourth monkey who will post no evil ¡¡

Thanks Gurudeva, sorry to bother U



HpS-ASA - Post no evil! Really great Mantra. Positve - Hear of Hari, see Hari, kiss the ground He walked on... ! ...