report from mumbai

9 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare krsna, maharaj, pamho, agtsp.

I will come to point directly
you wrote "We have not heard from the Mumbai, Pradhan. We hope that he has also been able to make some progress in assembling the list of possible consumers for Bharatiya-sanskriti and the wonderful Felicitations volume."
In my understanding I think my work was just to compile list of contributors not consumers. Can  you please guide on the path to distribute these books.

HpS - Always so nice to get the straight news from a real horse. Can you contact Dr. Samaresh and see about updating the list? He says that some of the people have changed. Then we can draft an exciting, motivating promotional letter and sell 500 books in three weeks. Then you can retire to the country with your wife and six servants and invite devotees to come and visit you and make your entire village devotees of Lord Sri Krsna. Then . . .

Hope you have got my second long long letter. Hope it was help.  gradually i am finding writing helps one to see and control one's mind. Become an author become an authority


HpS - Yes, you saw our great appreciation for your letter on sense control. Again thank you. What is happening with your PhD?  Can you give us a little summary of your doctorate? Are you going to write for "Psychology of the Sacred" in Lima, Peru, in June 2016?