Since I last wrote, I have made arrangements so that I can at least attend mangala arti and Srimad Bhagavad class on the weekends at the temple in the association of other devotees instead of just at home alone.
You frequently talk on the importance of education in ISKCON and I recently heard a lecture that you gave about a year ago on developing materials for education, during which you mentioned that some work was being done on teaching English in ISKCON. In San Diego we have a problem in that there are many speakers of many languages other than English, but to my knowledge, we have no programs that are not in English, so many people are left with almost no way to engage with Prabhupada's movement. As I have spent the last four years learning how to teach English and will be spending my next four years learning how to teach English even better, finding someway to engage my education in the devotees service would make an almost decade long commitment actually worth something. While I have only a small amount of knowledge and experience in the field, if there was some way that I could get a ESL through Krishna Consciousness I think it could be an amazing way to open up Prabhupada's movement to a large population who is currently kept away due to a language barrier.
As far as my personal education goes, I have my ISKCON high school diploma (bhakti shastri) and now that I am working on (materially) higher education, I am feeling more and more certain that I need to work on higher spiritual education and, to that end, would like to start (finally) working on bhakti vaibhava. While I know that the Mayapur Institute has their own program, I am more inclined to study your curriculum. Is there any way that this is possible?
Your aspiring servant,
Nityananda-rama dasa
HpS - ASA -- AGTSP Paoho. Very nice to hear all your news. We are in Lima. I don't know about ESL through ISKCON, but of course, there are vast resources for Spanish speaking devotees in ISKCON, and I also suspect Hindi speakers.
You can contact Srivasa Pandita Das about BhVai through ISKCON Silicon Valley. He is very nice person. San Jose Temple is the authorized West coast center, 510 789-9347 or 510 505-9105. He is very nice person. Tell him I told you to call him. The best thing would be to get a study partner or a study group and do it together.