
9 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved and respected Gurudeva:



I hope U are always fine and joyfull as I always see U in your tweets, SM, etc... we are listening to the audios that u share on twitter .. thank U all so much¡¡¡

News: I have my job back.... now I am going to teach in the Pyschologist faculty and also in communications... 

I am taking yoga and pyshoterapy.. (by the way I have to change the physchologist...He was a man and his treatment towards me started to be improper.). I am kind of intelligent and I am not going to try to cover some emptyness or problems that I have with anyone  that is just nonesense... 

My physchology now is a lady one of my sister's colleagues.. she is nice she has 2 nice children... I love to be around them

I am doing yoga also really nice..

I started to think about one conversation that Madhumanjari dd had with me long time ago regarding too much exposure.. so I resigned my facebook account and also I am not joining SM due to I want some time of introspection.. not too much contact with the internet world I have encountered many things that are just fake...with all my imperfections and failures and pride i just try to convey that so I trust... but now I want some introspection... 

Gurudeva i just want to thank U for all your support, and all the things that U do in order to contact us with the sankirtan movement... we are waiting for U... I hope that U gave me all the forces that I need due to U are a transparent media through Srila Prabhupada so then we can reach Lord Krsna...

See U pretty soon at the airport¡¡¡¡ We are making all the arrengments with Gandharva prabhu..junta etc..

My deities are eating now....

Thank U thank U Thank U

Your eternal insignificant servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - AGTSP   ----  Krsna is waiting so much for us to just sit with Him! That may lead to a quick death, but that is good!