Vaisnava Identity

9 years, 7 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

We are so grateful for this digital link with you, it keeps us going with full faith and confidence in Srila Prabhupada's sankirtan.

HpS - ASA -   AgtSP!...    Thank you for your criticism. It helps us enormously to know what services are valuable.

We are chanting 16 & +   rounds daily,  we realized (finally)  16 is just the minimun,  so always go for more hopefully one day reaching 24 or 32 ..following in your footsteps. Trying to take your Vani as far as we can in our poor condition.  We shaved our head and left big sika,  we are accepting our identity as a Vaisnava monk,  the only identity that really matters, the essential identity...took us so long but here are with your mercy and all Vaisnavas.  Our service to the Temple is mainly through the Bramachari ashram,  harinama, programs, etc  we had a very inspiring and full of service Montreal Rathayatra and very blissfull and instructive Toronto Rathayatra.

ASA - Devotees went the the Toronto Rathyatra and brought some Mahaprasad for us. They were very stimulated by the festival.

Played the bansuri for the sunday school presentation of Ramayana !!  ki jay !!   Hanuman and the army of monkeys, like 29 kids, storming the stage from everywere!  To fight Ravana's army !  Blissful, transcendentally joyful!

We are still hoping to receive harinama iniciation from you Maharaja,  we pray and pray and hope the letter of recommendation will finally come.  Then our life as a Vaisnava monk will be complete and ready to take off further.      The grounding you recommended is always our base camp. 

your aspiring servant


HpS - We are just rough servants in the link. The Diksa comes from Krsna, through our Sampradaya Acharyas. We are just acting under Srila Prabhupada's shelter as we understand he wants us to do. You should also be a link in the chain. 'Yare dekhe...', wheverver you go just tell people about Krsna based up BG, SB ....

May you Sankirtan potency increase and increase!