hope & faith

9 years, 6 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glory to Srila Prabhupada and All glory to all devotees of Sankirtan movement's by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humnbles obeisance unto you:

The last days I read Srimad bhagavatam second canto, keeping the chanting of 16 round, in the morning.

I visit many devotees and new friends who help'me to remember Srila Prabhupada and Krsna.

I know the life is very complicate for keep good relation with everybody, I just try not to cause anyone anxiety. but on this path, certainly I'm not good, I know that there are many minds views, and it's complicate walk on the path of  purity and truthfulness.

Thanks to good friendships, I can keep chanting and follow the principes, reading Prabhupada's books and hearing his lectures. The sankirtan's way is the most important goal to me, not by deliveration, just because i'm very distressed, and I haven't another choise to remove all the sufferings.

The environment is gettin hardest, each time the selfishness, the envy, greed and others enemies, divide us while oppositely the path of lords Chaitanya and Nityananda require us to come together.

Seeing your efforts, I remind hopeful on krsna consciousness, just thanks to your mercy. I joining with another to chant Hare Krishna and try to get hope and faith. Rathayatra comittee (Guadalajara) invites me to join, one more year.

Thanks to your prime example and instruccion; see you at your next visit (Mex).

Hare Krishna, your simple servant aniruddha Krsna Das

HpS - AGTSP!  Paoho.  Thank you so, so, so, so much for 16-good rounds and 4-principles strictly. You are guaranteed to advance!!!     I hope we see when we are in Mexico. Details of course, in the calendar at the website.  Very best of luck beoming more and more integrated with Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.