DTC Fr(17)

9 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hot, Hot, Hot... 111 Farenheit, 44 Celsius. Hard to think or work under thus conditions, but we are doing O.K. Little by little. Step by step. 16-rounds done. All Gayatris. Potato, almond soup Prasada.

Houston, Mexico City, Monterrey, Lima, all good prospectives. Answered all the mail up to 4-days ago. One intense letter commenting that some of our disciples are lying about their moral conduct. Hard to answer these things in Spanish. Also, this is a semi-public Blog, so we give semi-private answers.

Is good media.


Tandavika Das should be here in about 90-minutes. We have start packing for the two months of travel now.

Hare Krsna.

Maybe a little more review of Canto Four, Part One for your Class tomorrow.