
9 years, 5 months ago by kitri das in Special Category A

HareKrishna Dear gurudev, PAMO< AGTSP 

Camilo from sydney.
We did the maha cleaning at the temple of Sri Sri Radha-Gopinath today,
blissful atmosphere, lots of realizations, happy ending, willing to clean more next time...

Had a chat with madhu manjari pujari, her eyes were glowing when I told her I was going to India 2 serve u, she's pretty well ithink, i saw her happy...She encouraged me in travelling to india and serving/following/being around you as much as I could, because ihave the youth to do it :)

Regarding that topic, I'll probably travel 2 india Before your arrival date, and  in the case that you are defenitely going there, I'd like to serve you personally ,if you do agree of course, Iknow you have to . The reason for that is, well first of all, I haven't been to india before and it's time now i believe, plus you are going 2 be there so the train comes only once says my heart... 
I know that vani it's more important than vapu seva, but i feel the need to have some of those samksaras... sorry if I'm speculating there... 

Pratapana prabhu (ACBVSPD)is giving some very nice classes on one or two verses from the gita every thurs, here at the ashrama, it really helps me with my crazyness and to explain things to others as well.
dreaming of some day come back 2 the books, it's pure joy and I realized we need people at the ashrama and the only way to bring them in is preaching, of course we have a great chance to bring more through the restaurant and most of our visitors joined that way, but it's just to try to please Prabhupada a bit.

One of the residents of our ashrama is from uruguay, at the beginning our conversations were long and prajapla, but we're trying to keep things sweet,simple and krishna related now, he initially started chatting me about the dark side of others, some times in the form of an advice, comment, critizicing, etc. I told him many times, we shouldn't, .but I fell down into maya's trick again and now "I" am starting those kind of conversations by inertia... even though he's much more aware of it and tries to avoid it, it is hard 4 both of us. I'd like to hear from you about it gurudev.

Tomorrow we are having a great ratha yatra ! :D 

Hare Krishna, Thanks for being always inspiring to me from the distance, I have a poems' book by you that Madhu-Manjari gave me few months ago.
Jay Srila Prabhupada patita pavana ! 


HpS - AGTSP paoho.   Thank you for the news. We put more of our news in the DTC later.  Running to the Temple now for Sunday Feast and lecture.

Thank you so much.

Guess we will go to India like Feb-Apr. Guess we can serve each other a lot then!!!

The biggest selling Christian book after the Bible is Imitation of Christ by Thomas Akampis. Is like 16th century or something. Very nice. You might like to read it with Uraguay devotee.

He says, when we meet with Brethren, B'caris, we can talk or read scripture together, but probably better to read scripture because if we talk it will probably fall into criticism of others.

Interesting. Relgion is universal.

So, get some reading circle going with others and some negative conversations for a positive purporse. Isopanisad recomends that!!