Bewildered like Arjuna

9 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

It is very nice and help us a lot to have your daily association in FMP and get iur tweets.

HpS - Nice, essential for us. Thank you also!

We are feeling mostly really depressed. Regrets came to my mind all the time. I should have done that or this... Now I see all the mistakes that i did. But it is late now. I would love to tell U that I am fine etc. But hide things anything from u anything is almost like being a lyer. I feel like Krsna is telling me. Where do you got such contaminations? Umm well I guess that everybody of us are facing our own Kuruksetra... Utsahan is not so good. But today we chanted rounds before mangal artik. Fmp helps. But i feel that something is missing. Hope to see U soon Your stupid servant Cmdd

HpS - Well, even the Gopis, Krsna, feel that something is missing. Spiritual life means to always be growing. Krsna doesn't know what we have become.

When we are depressed it can be related almost always to our stomach. Eat better, or ignore it and focus on your heart etc. On the other hand, lamentation for proper purification is essential. We all get caught by ignorace.

Canakya Pandita said that ignorance cannot stay where there is constant recitation of the Vedas (NoI, SB, KB, ...), poverty cannot stay where there is constant endeavor, and sinful reactions cannot stay where there is constant chanting of the Holy Names.

[At least you dog still loves you]