Thank You

9 years, 6 months ago by David Presta in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaj

PAMHO,   All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

It brought a tear to my eye to see tears well up in your eyes when you were talking about Srila Prabhupada.  All of the devotees I spoke to were deeply moved by the affection you have for your Spiritual Master.  It is a sentiment I share for you as my Spiritual Master.  I know you do not want adulation so I will simply say that all of the devotees are already looking forward to your next visit to Sacramento.  Thank you for the mercy I received from you.  All devotees are inspired and strengthened by personally observing a great devotee of Krishna.  We are fortunate to have many sincere devotees here who set a good example for me to follow.

HpS - ASA -  Hare Krsna, a pong for your ping, I have always been very inspired over the years by your gravity, honesty, compassion and practical knowledge.

Thank you for politely listening to me prattle on about useless trivia.  You are most gracious.  I was trying to apprise you of current affairs that you ordinarily do not pay attention to.  But ultimately, none of it will help anyone get back to Krishna.

HpS - Well we don't have to get back to Krsna if we can serve him right here. Prabhupada was very much in tune with current affairs, but the essence, no?

It is my understanding that Lord Caitanya did not say he is an incarnation of Krishna.  I do not question that He is an incarnation of Krishna, but how do we know that He is?

HpS - Usually the first test that Prabhupada, our previous saints, the scriptures give is that an incarnation must be mentioned in the scriptures. This is very nice discussion on that point:
Then, He performs actions that no ordinary person can do. In general, we can understand that He is God because He shows Himself to us, maybe just enough to lead us one step in the right direction, no?

Your, striving to be humble, servant,  David

Hari Bolo, Hari Bolo...