Hare Krishna! ... (from Houston)

9 years, 7 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

 Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad! All glories to you! 

Thank you for your generous response and advice last time. Since no alternative accommodation worked out for Houston, I will be heading back to DC but after attending The Sanga Initiative (TSI) youth retreat. At the end, I guess Krishna was trying to teach me about appreciating what I have. Even though my parents drive me nuts, I’ve realized they always supported and encouraged my sadhana. I definitely took it for granted.

In regards to the earlier letter about the initial disciple request—I can definitely address the sadhana requirements below. I completely understand and agree about the formalities- as I do not want to make any mistakes with this relationship (which are inevitable because I am so klutzy, so sincere apologies in advance). The formal letter from authorities is on its way in cyberspace!

  1. Have you been able to chant at least sixteen good rounds daily the whole year? Yes—to the best of my ability. Quantity wise yes, quality is still shaky.
  1. Similarly, have you been able to follow the four regulative principles strictly? Yes. Very strictly


  1. Have you been rising regularly by 4AM and attending Mangala-arati, Kirtana, SB class? I have not risen at 4am but I do attend SB class when I am near the temple (which will be more frequent now that I’m done with school). If I stay at the temple, or any dham then I do wake up for mangala arati.
  1. Who is your administrative, Sankirtana, authority in ISKCON? For the past 4 years (school) it has been Divyanam Das, president of ISKCON Richmond. Prior to that and back to it now is Sankirtana Yagya Das. And maybe Nilamadahava Das, President of Baltimore temple since a lot of services are required for the new temple they are building. 
  1. A few words that you would like us to offer to Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupad ki jai!  A simple thank you to you is not enough to show how much appreciation and gratitude I have for you. Without you, life would be meaningless and we’d be humans in the mood of chickens with our heads cut off. Thank you for your mercy and determination to pick us up from the sidewalks, dust us off, polish us up, and sending us to serve the Lord. Thank you for filling our minds with lovely pastimes of the Lord and engaging our senses in Kirtan and Prasadam. Thank you for making us eager to do seva—and thank you for changing our consciousness.

As for the morning program Maharaj, since I’m working and living at home (without formal deities), how would you advice the morning program to go? When I was with Subala Sakha’s home, they had the mercy of beautiful Sri Sri Nitai Chaitanya Chandra and I was able to attend morning program. I have my “happy dolls” of Sri Sri Radha Krishna and Jaganath, Subadra, and Baladev for whom I light incense, offer a lamp,  offer water and fruits, and sing prayers  for. What would be the best way to hold and attend a morning program? As for reading— I have shelves of Srila Prabhupad’s books that I’ve been slowly finishing by myself. I did bhakti sastri (for only 1 book – NOI) in Richmond and was in a “Krishna book club” during my time at UVA in Charlottesville with Amit Acara Prabhu and Mayapriya Mataji. Going to try to get back into sanga readings because the advanced devotees have such thoughtful realizations.

Nothing else to report here Maharaj. I’m just battling it out in Houston for maybe 10 more days and then going back to Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan and apologizing profusely for whatever offenses I committed that They kicked me out of DC for. Until then, I hope to learn and correct myself. I beg for your mercy and pray for your protection. Please stay cool (and hydrated!) amidst the California heat. I eagerly await your response and postings!

Your servant,


ASA - AGTSP!    Your progress is astounding and any failure in economics or family relations can only be because Krsna has a BETTER plan for you. . .  BETTER. . .    Just have to figure how to be up for the Brahma muhurta time daily!     Work on it.    Use your intelligence.   It is big challenge so may come in moderately small steps.  Your Deities are fine! 

Awaiting your news.