Changing venue.

9 years, 8 months ago by kitri das in Other

 Hare Krishna Dear Gurudev, Please Acept my obeisances .
Jay Srila Prabhupada !!!

I beg your pardon since I've been busy/struggling to write this letter and forgetful too...
I move out the temple to a Preaching space,or Ashrama in the core of the city, which is more engaging, fun, and familiar, unlike my sit at the temple(was alone most of the time and bored not much association). At the ashram, there's a chance to study outside and practice KC with ease, which is also another reason why I moved out here.
since then everything has improved, my chanting, Preaching through harinam or evening programs, more inspire to read, and I feel more happy  in general, waiting for the S.B. that's being retained in the S.American aduana , let's see when they can ship it to sydney,just eager to have it and read it .

we visit Radha gopinath at least every sunday morning for G. puja ,the lecture, and prasadam, we're going to mangalarati now on sundays :)
we're Having 3 weekly programs which are based on kirtan+prasadam, and on THRsdays some workshop of B.G. or for expamle the current one now is how to control the mind+ helping at govindas resto too.
if you like, I'd love to gather with you Maharaja, and devotees in India next year, so was wondering if there's a chance to know the agenda for that trip.

HpS - AGTSP!    Very nice to hear from you. Do not have the ticket yet but rough plan is Feb, Mar, Apr in Bharatavarsa, then really retire to more introspective mode, then leave body November 2024.    \'9'/

I hope your health is OK Gurudev, my best wishes for you !

ASA - 67 year old American Ass!  Vision, hearing, memory, teeth are going. But heart fine and respiration pretty good. How is the Gopinatha Pujari, Madhu manjari Devi Dasi et al?

trying to serve you. 

