family reply and flowers

9 years, 8 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna  Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Thank you!   AGTSP!    Has she read Thomas Akampis, "Imitation of Christ"? It is biggest selling Christian book after the Bible. Is nice. Is hundreds of years old.  You could read it together.

I will look for the book and order it , i google it and i looked really old so i would buy so i can read it with her.

HpS - Pantheism. Chapter 10 Bhagavad gita and Canto Two, Chapter One for him, no?

Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin, for, in every respect, I am the source of the demigods and the sages.

chapter 10 verse 2 right ? i will talk to my dad about that verse but i know that he will just listento me just to be polite.

HpS - No, more the verses that give exact examples, "Among fish I am the shark". Also you can see the panthestic ideas of Prabhupada in the purports and present those to him as you ideas etc.

ASA - Prasadam milk for the cats, no? Keep a little register of your Japa for one week and then send it for us to read!!!

thanks for recomendations maharaja i will surely give them prasadam milk is yogurt prasadam better ? 

HpS - As long as it is Prasadam. You can even smear burfi on their paws and they will be forced to lick it off!!
I will do a register of my Japa Weekly okie, thank you maharaja

Pd: Where are you right now , how is your health ? 

Bhakta Juanka

HpS - We are in Newark, California. Part of the San Francisco area. Health is O.K. for a 67 year old ass. Next Boise.