Congregational preaching

9 years, 8 months ago by bhaktakenny in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Swamiji, AGTSP, PAMHO.

My visit to Manila in March has left me with a taste for preaching and now Krishna is fulfilling that desire. The Sunday feast crowd will be divide into 2 groups. I will give class to the younger and newer devotees. I am thinking of starting with Sri Isopanisàd, then move on to NOI and Light of the Bhagavata? I want to bring them to rhe point where they can take the ISKCON Disciple Course.

Because soon the IDC will be a requirement for initiation. Whether or not I go to open new temples I want to become more involved in training and education of devotees.

HpS - Jaya!!!!!  AGTSP.   Prabhupada Lilamrta is available also? That is very nice book also for new people. Lilamrt and NOI the same time maybe. Isopanisad is very technical. I think Prabhupada only did it so that we would have SOMETHING that is Sruti, directly from the Vedas, for big, big, proud scholars.