hell ooooohhh from Madrid !!!

9 years, 7 months ago by jaramara in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna Maharaja:


Brieflly writing you from Madrid:

Sri Sri Gaura Nitay Madrid look very Happy, Nice pujari team (Isvara Das, Rasala Das, Mantri Ram Das, my self...)

Good team of devottees making garlands (Mani Mope anjari DD, Matura Mani DD, Antaranga DD and all her Russian Bhaktins)

Tulasi Looks very Happy (Bhaktin Marta is taking care of her and all the plants in the temple)

Book distribution is developing very nicely (I personally go out everyday, 40 sciences of self realitation/day) and now two devotees from mexico and one from brasil are staying with us. They are sankirtan devotees collecting for monterrey-Mexico project. So there is some sankirtan spirit developing.

Shatyabama DD from Mexico would like to study her next semester in Madrid and live in the temple and do Sankirtan do you think it is all right ?

ASA - AGTSP.   Sooooooo nice to hear from you!!!!      I can't give any details from her, but seems like it could be O.K.

Temple is full, no beds abaileable, good Sadana in general terms and nice lunch program.

Congregational preaching is developing with the efforts of Dandava, Carcika , Jayanta et all.

I personally will try to keep on sankirtan-Book distribution till december combined with my duties as temple comander.

Marta is taking care of me very nicelly, we have discover a little penthouse in the temple building and we are triying to contact the owners to talk about the posibility of renting-buying the place for our selfs.

Thank you for all your mercy


HpS - Jaya!   You all should make a Temple CD with selected songs and comments. Should become famous in Madrid for your your Music.
Up early and good rounds!!!     You are our example in many ways.