
9 years, 8 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamij, Aniruda das is here in Bali. He is conducting a disciples course that I am attending. I find that it is deepening my understanding of the role and of and my relationship with guru, Krsna, Prabhupada, and ISKCON. After the course is finished I will be given the test for initiation. In August Ramai Swami will visit Bali. I am supposed to meet with him. He wants to send me to either Papua New Guinea, the Solonmon Islands, or Darwin Australia to open a temple. What do you think, should I do that? I continue to follow Prabhupada's instructions and chant my rounds everu day. Your servant, Ken

HpS - ASA ---- AGTSP    paoho.   Very nice news.   I guess it would be O.K. to go. He wants you to go alone or with other B'caris???