About sila´s adoration, part II and sadhana

9 years, 6 months ago by pratibhanu in Personal Sadhana Reports

AgtSP, plase accept my most humble obeisances.

Hare Krishna dear Guru-maharaja! Here Pratibhanu from Chile (currently living in Campina Grande-Brazil, with Maharaja Danvantari Swami)

I hope you are fin about health in these days. 

I wrote a very long report, I don´t know if you received it, if you don´t, I´ll write it again in my next letter.

HpS - AGTSP!!!! Paoho.   No, I don't have any old letters from you!

We are living in a comunity of devotees here, and here is a very good devotee -like all the devotees- : Atmanivedana prabhu, a Dhanvantari Swami´s disciple: he told me that he wants to give me one of his silas, a saligrama, because me and my wife want to workship silas. So, this prabhu wants to know if you agree with this. What do you think about this? Then I can give to him youranswer.

At your lotus feet, 

Pratibhanu das

HpS - ASA --- It is very serious thing, like having children. Have you been regular in chanting your rounds, mangala arati, gayatri's?


AgtSP, pamho. Dear Gurudeva: 
A few minutes ago, I wrote a very long letter! then the page has an error, so:..

I need to know, how is your health? I´m very happy and grateful for your association those days in Santiago-Chile. I´m so sorry for not to be the lats day before your trip, Ananda Vardhana told me that you were asking for me.
With my wife, Radhika Ramana dd, we are living since March in Campina Grande with Dhanvantari Swami.
Oue sadhana: wake up 4:00 or 4:30 am; mangala arati in the temple; SB class; 16 rounds in the morning; every gayatri every day.

I´m pujari here and Radhika is my assistant. Maha Goura Nitay here are amazing!! I hope that you´ll be here one day.

What do you think about the sila?

I´m always remember you Gurudeva, I hope to be a good disciple and devotee some day.

At your lotus feet.
Pratibhanu das

HpS - AGTSP paoho.  If Maharaja thinks it is O.K. and you understand that is like taking responsibility for a real child, then I think it is very nice. As we understand, the Silas are not worshipped by big rituals or lots of paraphernalia. They are worshipped by the character of the devotee. So if you have good character then everything is very nice, but if you start becoming materialistic then there will be all kinds of bad reactions.

Like going from a bicycle to a Formula One car.  Zooooooooooom!