First ISKCON Regional Educational Congress - PERU 2015 Program

9 years, 7 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Gurudeva

As you request, I'm sending you the program of the august congress.


1. Reaffirm our educational mission in accordance with the principles and values of the movement of Lord Caitanya in the challenges of today's world.
2. Analyze and discuss priority issues and concerns related to education in ISKCON Perú.
3. Propose alternative solutions to the problems and identified challenges .
4. Encourage the development of educational programs that meet the needs of the community according to the criteria of VAD, developing the capacities of the individual and his relationship with the community.
5. Bring together educators and people interested and involved in the education issue to form a network that links individual efforts.



18.30 Sandhya aratik

19.15 Welcome and introduction (LAD and madre Isvari dd)

19.45 Introductory speech by Mathuresh Prabhu

20.30 Dinner

21.00 End of day


04.30 Mangala-aratik

07.30 Govinda

08.30 Philosophy of education by HH Hanumatpresak Swami

09.15 Breakfast


10.00 Children education at school by Krishna Karmini dd. 

10.30 Homeschooling by Anandamaya prabhu

11.00 Education and congregational development  by Omkara Krishna prabhu

11.30 Education for youth leadership by Padmavati Visaka dd.

12.00 Courses for beginners by Karuna Krishna prabhu

12:30 Pre-iniciation courses by Jiva Sakti prabhu

13.00 Bhoga-aratik

13.30 Lunch

15.00 Workshops according to topic (3 main topics, 3 tables: children, youth and sastric education)

  • During the first hour and a half participants contribute with ideas according to the conferences given during the morning shift giving their own vision about the problems.
  • During the next hour and a half the participants propose ideas for the solution of these problems.
  • Every opinion is considered and written by a secretary, there is also a moderator for each table.

18:30 Sandhya - aratik

19:30 Cultural program

20.15 Dinner

21.00 End of day


04:30 Mangala - aratik

07:30 Govinda

08:30 Conference: Conclusions by Baladeva prabhu

09:15 Breakfast

10:00 Final comments and commitments

11:30 Each table presents their conclusions

13:00 Bhoga-aratik

13:30 Lunch

15:00 End of event

Waiting for your comments.

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - AGTSP  paoho.  It sounds very well structured and nice people in nice position. Should be a success! Peru is looking to Nimsar to lead the way.