horse update-2

9 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj,
Please accept my obeisances (may be not humble yet) at your feet
Jaya Srila Prabhupada

I have been reading letters of others devotees mentioning thier servics, concerns. I see my concerns at very different platform then them. One should not approach guru to solve petty things, but to get way to purpose of life. I hope my questions help  myself and others in solving the mystery of life.

i have intermettentily started reading canto 2. i think i should read atleast 3 times before i move ahead. rounds are ok. The communication with mother Urmila is helping a lot ( though we can not offer any help in her service) in establishing lost connection with Krsna


This is in reference to letter

you asked : "HpS - Well I can see her being disturbed with our picture, but what did Krsna every do to cause her distress?" Krsna has not done anything to her. whatever we have done is and had been problem. As you said "Of course, we may not come to the natural standard immediately, and to force it artificially will cause other problems". This had been problem. we practically dont know which standards to apply in our life. We tried to have non-onion-garlic diet in home for every one, eat only offered food, have regular offering. out enthusiasm turned in passion and fanaticimsm etc..

so she has  got negative emotional cues with ISK  (classes and altar(not with you)). All sufferings come back to her as flash back.

on another note we remember your life ( as married men). You must have great  renouncing abilities when your wife and kid left you because of your adherence to the movement. Hats off to you !!!!
all this suffering we tolerate with this perspective... " austerity/suffering  is there, only chocieis voluntary or involutanry ". i hope all these sufferings nullify my sinful actvities (which i have definitely done a lot in this life time itself).
we suggested by you in previous letter.."Work toward good association of any kind. It is even worth risking economic situation to get good friends, no?"  yes you are correct...we are working towards that.....
we did look on internet on "super cool liquid: .. it takes a moment for life to change....but as we understood there are many prequisite for that...
thank you very much for being fixed up in Devotional Life.

HpS - AGTSP. paoho.  We have to communicate with you a little about the NIOS work and Professor. It is all so amazing. Being in the material world means being in a prison. Have you every visited a prison. Is full of emotionally sick people. It has been tolerable for us. We have similar emotional stress to you, just different group. Nobody in this world is in an enviable state.

Thing is to learn how to have fun in the middle of the magic.