Report 1

9 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:



I hope this meets U in good health.

ASA - We are Atlanta. I guess the SM, FMP, has been chaos the last two days. We are one hour earlier here. Today we go back to Nashville.

I tried to made my report on the last Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi but I was too tired to do so.. If u allow me I would like to post a report on ekadasi maybe just one report a month.. But for me is necesary to tell U about my activities.

HpS - That's fine, but make then amusing for Monkey and Piggy and all their little friends and relations, no?

Mangal artik, 16/4 fixed

I went out on sankirtan with Madhumati dd 20 books in one hour ¡¡¡ It was extremely nice ¡¡¡ Now i can say that when U are doing sankirtan U can not think in anything else.

ASA - Krazy for Krzna!!!

I have a temporal job I am helping M Hassen from India in one department store called Jaipur and on August if Krsna wants I will return to Alas Peruanas University ¡¡¡

On these days I can realize how merciful is Krsna with us, I am always surrounded with pious people, and some how or other I am in contact with Krsna katha, M Hassen is a respectable lady, serious in her spiritual practice,,, strictly vegetarian ¡¡¡ and a extremely nice person,,,, I feel so blessed.

Thank U Gurudeva for everything

Little by little trying to be iur disciple again


HpS - And following your example we are trying to be better professor.