9 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna beloved and esteemed Gurudeva!!

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Here I am alone again in my cave. It seems that I lack something in order to maintain a relationship with a woman.

As you already know I am no longer with CMDD mataji.

I feel sad. Again experience showed me the truth. As you always say, if we dont stick to 16/4 then is hell. That was our mistake, also lack of communication. at least relations with Mataji are ok, no hard feelings. Peace!!

Is amazing, how powerful is sadhu sanga. This experience gave me more strenght to continue in the fight. More determination to follow my vows, and to participate in the gloriuos Sankirtan movement.

I made a plan to recover my rounds before Janmastami. I also diminished drastically my work load. My brain was about to explode.

I resumed psychotherapy, yoga, karate and Bhakti Sastri.

I'm listening to SB first and second canto everyday in youtube (1.5.32-33-34, big secret)  giving BG class every monday at El Loft, 

Again priority is good 16 rounds and 4 P strictly!!

Trying to reunite Krishna with Hladini Shakti, Hanuman policy not Ravana's.

Manu and Benja are ok

I'm tired, sad, but in peace!!! 

I seek utsaha in my intelligence, JAPA!!

Forgive me gurudeva for my stupidity!!

You are always showing us the path!!

Thank you for bringing us so close to SP!!

At your lotus feet!!

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP  paoho..... and we all go forward rowing the boat that Prabhupada built, and rowing our achintya-bheda-abheda individual boat. As you advance ISKCON advances. This Varna-ashama stuff, what ashrama is my service, does not become clear in general until we have been following our first initiation vows properly for at least one year and generally two years. Get Japa partner!!!!!!!

It is very nice to hear from you.