horse update

9 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna Maharaj,
Pamho, AGTSP,

Hope you have somewhat recovered from tirededness of Europe trip. I will try to be short.

HpS - Yes, AGTSP!!!!    I think we have, but the material energy is always exhausting, no?   Hope you will be long!

--thank you for much engaging in service, it does give us some good memories to think about in andh-kupam

-- i have got the recordings of conference in delhi, please tell me when we should give you that.

-- my wife is diagnosed with depression and OCD.
HpS - What is OCD (Opulent ??? Disease)?  Living with the head of a psychiatric hospital. Attending psychiatric conferences. We have to comment from the very beginning that everyone involved in the process seems to agree with Carl Jung's analysis that psychology in the West was only born this morning and all these diagnosis, though they may really help, must be taken with a plate of prasadam.

Major reason has been her in-laws and her husband. We have removed altar from our home (as that some become stimulus of discomfort to our wife). In march 2015 she threw all photograph of paramapara including yours and Krsnas, and gave it to trash-man.
In such cases we are very much fearful for any stimulus of stress.

HpS - Well I can see her being disturbed with our picture, but what did Krsna every do to cause her distress?

-- we get very much confused about illicit sex, because we get different opinions from you, and grhastha counsellor.

HpS - If s(he)it tells you that to fornicate for fun is O.K. then they are not Grhastha, they are Grhamedhis. Of course, we may not come to the natural standard immediately, and to force it artificially will cause other problems, but we should understand that as long as we are doing unnatural things we will suffer. Of course, Krsna will try to help us minimize the suffering. Indulging in illicit sex in a regulated fashion may be suggested by a Grhastha counselor but of course not encouraged or offered with any deception that you will not suffer, but your suffereing will be educational.

Our perspective, if one enjoy in youth beyond quota one suffers in old age (as simple)

HpS - It would be simple study to match up occurence of Alzheimer's disease with onset and intensity of unnatural sex.

-- we are chanting somehow, and hearing SP lectures on CC (no book reading )

-- we don't KNOW why you are so merciful on person (who is from sinful background, whose associated hover over mental platform). you must have  divine eyes to see us as part and parcel of Krsna.

HpS - Hey, I would say that you are continuing to try to get real mercy from Prabhupada, not because you are so much sincere, although I think you are a very sincere person, but rather because you executed sincere service in a previous life and so now you KNOW that this is the bona fide path. Look up "super cooled liquid" on the internet?  Are you becoming a super cooled liquid.

BLLLLOOOOOP!   One day your whole life changes in a moment.

It comes down to the same thing. I don't live with you enough to give my opinion whether you are crazy or you wife is crazy or your inlaws are crazy or your psychologist is crazy, but when we are together you don't seem to be anymore crazy than we are. The only way to get good evaluation of this is to have sane friends. Work toward good association of any kind. It is even worth risking economic situation to get good friends, no?

We have been in contact with Prof. Samaresh. He went home with blood pressure super high but is recovering. So many good comments on the book and it's release. We are just getting our feet on the ground (with your help, write often) and trying to get priorities for Sankirtan sorted out.

We can not control our mind. in our passionate state, we even started instructing you ( remember the MS word instance, (No, so we proabably didn't take it as anything unnatural (certified UC Davis Psychology Department instruction: everyone in this world is a little crazy)) I think its best for us to die young on some battle ground, following some Brahamana.

HpS - Well as long as you are following a Brahmana, live or die it is all good.

hari bol
Jaya rama
from monkey in human body

HpS - See attached foto.