9 years, 7 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - ASA   ---  This is the third and most recent report that we are reading.

Dear Gurumaharaja, we are working hard in organizing the August event. We intend to support the event with a number of articles written by different devotees in their respective specialized subjects, so that some of them can be read before or during the conferences of Saturday morning and the other will be part of a booklet  published by NIMSAR, in conjunction with the conclusions and commitments. The papers should not exceed 400 words, this is a theoretical or technical input, as appropriate, to contribute to broader perspectives to stimulate discussion. We are on topics such as:

Sanskrit Education in children - Prana dasa
The homeschooling alternative - Arrudha Devi Dasi
Promoting youth leadership in ISKCON - Radhika Ramana Dasa

Sastric personal training education - SS Yadunandana Swami
Education in the grhastha ashram - HH Srila Virabahu
Education in Krishna consciousness for beginners - SS Swami Hrdayananda

. . . and other related topics to be discussed during the conference.

On the other hand, we are moving in the NIMSAR legalization issue before the Peruvian state, there are some alternatives that are driving mother Isvari and Prabhu Abhinanda, all related to the formation of a civil association, initially unrelated to educational issues because that would mean a long process with the Ministry of Eduación. Once the the Association is consolidated  we would extend our activities to educational issues. It is the right and easiest thing , we think.

We are also organizing a conference cycle divided into three main topics: education for children, education for youth and sastric education to be exposed in the temples of Lima and Chosica by members of NIMSAR from June 20 until the last week of July . The conference will promote the event to go so, to make them more attractive we should discuss Prahlada Maharaja, Nimai Pandit and Rupa Goswami, respectively.

Finally, next sunday we will be coming together with the  NIMSAR partners group to work on the themes of youth leadership in ISKCON, we believe that this issue is important and we want to clearly focus our efforts on young people. We read in an article published by Kaunteya dasa, through the Ministry of congregational development of ISKCON, that successful religions prevail in time because they have managed to integrate their young efficiently, giving them responsibility and giving them voice in making certain decisions.We must consider how education and NIMSAR can contribute to the solution of this problem removing it from the administrative and policy to make it a dynamic educational need.

Gurudeva, we look forward to your comments
I hope your travels are turning positive.
We always pray to Nrsimhadeva for your care.

Your happy servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - AGTSP.   Have you seen our Blog reports of the educational work in India and Radha-desa and the work for the Congress here at the end of July?  Unless Srila Prabhupada's books are integrally and obviously a part of these events it becomes too weak to satisfy the self. We are supposed to discuss all this with Laksmana and Abhirama Das tomorrow. Seem you should contact Mother Lalita-gopis Devi Dasi about coming for the event from Mexico. She and other Mexican devotees will attend the Houston meetings July 31st, preach about them with us the week after in Mexico and so maybe she could just continue with the same thing in Peru with a recreational visit also.
The topics you have chosen for the above persons seem good don't always  seem to match with their current passions. You should make personal contact with them before you give them an exact theme, no?

Personally I like your association, Laksmana's association, Yugala's, Omkara's, Yamumesvara's, Om Purnam's, Patrak's, Raghunatha's, Miguel Polo's and so many devotees in Peru. We would eternally want your friendship, service association, ever expanding, but these institutional things seem to be lacking basic principles, no? Again, for example, ASA does not have a letter of approval from any ISKCON, GBC approved, organization in Peru - not the national Junta, ISKCON Chosica...  We asked for this months ago and explained that it is not proper for us to do programs as a branch of ASA in Peru without this authority. So at this point we should formally stop all programs in Peru, such as NIMSAR, as "Branches" of ASA until that relationship is clear, no?

What do you think?

We can still meet as friends without formal approval, but ISKCON in Peru has to be organized enough to deal with things at this level of institutional reality or really in our opinion we should communicate with the GBC that the Yatra is dysfunctional. This is our opinion. We are asking for your opinion and the opinion of others. I think that we, ASA, based in Tennessee are acting properly in this regard. We have a formal and functional relation with our GBC Secretary, Tamohara Das, and our local branch, NIOS.
Waiting eagerly for your thoughts.

HpS, Tom Brown, Buck White et al.