Our new family member

9 years, 9 months ago by Rashmin dd in Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I hope you are well after your extensive traveling.

HpS - ASA --- We seem to be getting our energy and intelligence back.

I want to take the opportunity now to let you know that our baby boy has arrived :) He was born May 8th on the disappearance day of Ramananda Raya. We have named him Arindama, the subduer of the enemy. He has a very calm mood which is the total opposite of our daughter Audharya. But she likes him and is very helpful with his care. She will get along with him when they are both older. And Yogendra is busy taking care of all of us as we recuperate. Very big job he has. That is all I have time to write for now.

Your aspiring servant, 

Rasa-mandali dasi

HpS - ASA   ---- Thank you for the super, super, super news. Yes, these children are not ordinary people. Krsna does not send ordinary people to be children of devotees. We hope that you and Yogendra Das can offer super education to the Kids also.