Bhaktin Marta from Madrid

9 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktin Marta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Hanumat Presaka Swami!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

It's Bhaktin Marta, Jara Mara Hari Das's wife.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP...   Yes, we were very honored to meet you in Madrid. JMHari Das is very fortunate person.

Hope you are feeling fine in all aspects.

HpS - The last trip was from Radhadesa to Murfreesboro. We got up at 1.30AM which is 7.30PM, 26th May, in M'freesboro, and we arrived at 2.30PM the 28th of May. That is ... 43-hours of travel!   The flight from Brussels was delayed by 6-hours because their radar crashed. Then we got to Newark, USA and no connecting flight, no hotel ...  So we didn't lie down to sleep for 43-hours, but we felt pretty comfortable the whole time. Weak, but we are recovering. Hare Krsna.

It was a big pleasure to share your association in Madrid's Temple. Thank you very much for your visit. Also thank you for opening this communication channel, this is really helpful for all us.

ASA - Oink! (Buck White)

I would like to ask you for some advice. I am sorry I didn't take the opportunity to ask you in Madrid, so I'm writing you now and telling you a bit about my situation. I'm trying to resume, hope to not bore you.

I'm into Krsna consciousness since two years ago. Despite difficulties I feel enthusiast with the process and also very grateful. I never thought I could feel happy like this.

I was born in Barcelona in 1979, no brothers or sisters, divorced parents, living with my father, no religious education, complicated childhood and adolescence. I studied architecture in the university. I enjoyed the studies but didn’t enjoy working as an architect after many years trying different architecture offices. My modus vivendi was unhealthy. Anxious, stressed! After a while I decided to change the scenario, I quit working as an architect, got a job in an organic food store, studied veterinary assistant. Then I moved into a little village in Cantabria (North of Spain) and got a job as a vet assistant, surrounded by very nice atmosphere, getting in deep touch with Nature, feeling impressed about how amazing and perfect Nature is. Happiness, Peace! 

During this process I met Jara Mara Hari Das in the vet hospital. We became good friends, he gave me Prabhupada's "The Science of Self-Realisation". I was satisfied and released by reading it, since then I'm trying to become a good devotee. I feel eternal compromise towards Jara Mara Hari Das for showing me the way. Today we are happily married and living in Madrid's Temple sharing home with Mataji's Ashram.

Now, four regs, complete morning program almost everyday. I'm chanting rounds everyday but not everyday I am chanting sixteen rounds. I am chanting Japa in the Temple with devotees for an hour. After that I'm chanting while working in the flower shop or while running in the park, no japa then, not counting either. I'm not reading much. I enjoy listening Srimad Bhagatam classes, listening devotees talking about Krsna. I enjoy Bhajan and Kirtan in front of Gaura Nitai. My favourite Prasadam is fruit. I enjoy taking care of Tulasi  and all other plants in Temple, home and shop. I also enjoy being part of this spreading Krsna's Consciousness movement. I'm trying to develop Love for Krsna, also unconditional Love towards others, towards life in general.

I've had many realisations since I'm in Krsna's Consciousness (thank you all!) but also some difficulties.

Main difficulty is to discern between false ego and self-esteem or genuine need. Or, how to realise we are not this body and this emotions, while being responsibles for ourselves in this material world. Or, how to identify what is spiritual and what is material since we are spiritual souls living in a material world.

Also, how to never forget to place Krsna in the center and how to do it.

Thank you very much!

Your servant,

Bhaktin Marta

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  Thank you for the wonderful report. JMHari Das told us some of these things also. To take to KC so quickly you must have been a Nun or some such thing in your last or a previous life. Your questions, challenges, to come to the standard Sadhana requested by Srila Prabhupada are normal. It is like saying, "I have moved to the moon and things are different here.". Yes, there are so many things different in KC from material consciousness, so it takes time to adjust to living in a different world. For that there are so many books that Srila Prabhupada has given, and devotees who have learned from those books, Srila Prabhupada's lips, his personal actions, and those who have learned from those who have personally heard or seen him, but I personally heard him say that he would never die, he would live forever in his books.

So, what about reading everyday. Even with one or two study partners for obtaining practical knowledge? As you become purified you will be able to distinguish the impulses of the Supersoul from the false ego, also.