9 years, 8 months ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, pamho, Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

I hope that you are well and that you will have a very good trip . May Lord Nrsimhadeva protect you in all directions .

I continued editing ( slowly) the videos of the NIOS tour 2015. I upload 2 of them for you to see them before I publish. If you wish you can tell us your opinion so we can improve them.

1-Trailer Jung:  Argentina (Cordoba y Bs As) y Chile. 


2- Trailer Jung Cordoba.


The image quality is not good as the original video, later I'll fix that.

The full conference at the National Library of Chile is also finished but I could not upload it yet. We will do it soon from better internet connection.

Talking about me, I'm not having a good time. The four principles are ok, but finish with the 16 rounds is 10 times harder than before. I do not feel connection with the holy name ... I'm not going beyond the surface and I can not reach deep introspection.  And I feel stupid and lazy because I know what I have to do to improve things ... but  I fail.

Last night I dreamed  that you phoned us and when I answered I heard you chanting japa. So I thought _ah! is FMP´s  time! And I woke up just before the alarm in time to go to Start Meeting.

Muchas Gracias Gurudeva.

P/D: I attached some pictures from the construction of the asram.
My father came a few days with his truck to help us. We collect stones from the way enough to make the foundation.

intentando ser su sirviente/discipula 

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - AGTSP.    We can barely breath now so we will look at the videos later. Remind us. Thank you!  Look at Text Seven of Upadesamrta about taste for the Names, no?