9 years, 10 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are in good health and I also hope that your preaching is going ahead favorably. 

Here is the report on our activities over the past two weeks.This monday finally we had a meeting with the National Board and they happily accepted our four applications.  They were a few months of uncertainty that have concluded favorably, but this is just the beginning,  there is now an expectant community of devotees to work with.

These were our requests:

  • Recognition to NIMSAR and the current board through official resolution as an institution affiliated with ISKCON Peru.
  • Permission to teach the courses of Introduction to Bhakti Yoga (Chosica), Disciples Course (Chosica) Worship Seminar (Lima), Course of Communications and Management and Leadership (Lima and Chosica), according to the privileges granted to us by each temple. 
  • We also requested the signatures of the chairman of the National Board and the temple President in the course certificates extended by NIMSAR to their students.
  • Finally, we request permission to organize and conduct the ISKCON Meeting of Educators in August of this year.

In return we are committed to:

  • Submit quarterly reports in writing and in person at the meeting of National Board by the president and secretary of our institution.
  • Present the syllabus and content of courses, seminars and lectures to the National Board.
  • Present the annual work plan in February of each year to the National Board.

All board members have accepted the application, Jiva Sakti prabhu has been appointed  as the ISKCON Peru education secretary  and he is responsible for drafting the official document to be signed within days. We also presented the preliminary program of the event in August and they were enthusiastic, We expect very intense and significant times. Once I translate the progress of the  program, I'll send it to you for your views and approval.

According to your suggestions, I worked in the statutes and membership document, here are the last settings:

Officer's responsabilities:


a) To represent the Association before all kinds of people, authorities and public or private entities.

b) Convene meetings of the Board, preside, direct the debates, suspend and terminate sessions.

c) Implement the resolutions of the Board, though it can perform all acts and contracts and sign any documents necessary for that purpose or delegate this responsibility to another member of the board if necessary.

d) Comply with and enforce the decisions of the Board.

f) Tiebreaker vote in ties.


a) Attend meetings of the Board and draft and approve the minutes of those.

b) Perform the call to meetings, by order of the President, and citations of the members.

c) Receiving communication from the members of the Board such as notifications, requests for information, amendments, certifications or any other kind of messages.

d) Prepare the documentation that shall be used or considered.

e) Issue certificates of approved agreements and any other certifications, with the approval of the President, and the reports that are necessary.

f) To have the custody of the Archives, documents and books of the Association, except ledgers.

g) He shall be responsible for sending and receiving all official communications of the institution.


a) Raise funds of the Association, guard them and invest them in a manner determined by the Board of directors and the deposit of the assets in the bank.

b) To intervene with his signature all documents of receipts and payments, with the assent and signature of the President.

d) The keeping of accounting records and compliance with tax obligations in time and form, of the Association.

e) The preliminary draft budget and the accountability for annual approval by the Board of directors.

f) Prepare the report of General Statement of Accounts for annual approval by the Board of directors.

g) Prepare the annual economic forecast based on the General State Accounts.


Voting members

  • Directors: Laksmana-agraja dasa, Candramukhi dd., Isvari dd., Abhinanda dasa, Yugala Kisora dd., Gaura gadadhara dd., Patrak dasa and Gandharva dasa.
  • Officers: Laksmana-agraja dasa (president), Gandharva dasa (secretary), Isvari dd. (treasurer). 

Non voting members

  • Advisory board: HH Hanumatpresaka Swami, HH Jayapataka Swami, Mathuresh dasa, Baladeva dasa, Om Kesavaya das, Govinda nandini dd., Omkara Krishna das, Vindhyabali dd., Dvija Patni dasi, Gangamaji dd., Yamunesvara dasa and Jiva sakti dasa.
  • Staff members: Padmavati dd., Nitya Kisori dd., Lila Sakti dd., Gaura Karuna Sakti dd. Jayada Gopi dd. Bhaktina Tulasi Namaste, Bhaktina María Teresa and Bhaktina Isabelle.
  • Founding members: Rohini dd, Gaura gadadhara dd., Candramukhi dd., Yugala Kisora dd., Laksmana-agraja dasa, Patrak dasa.

Is thois okay, Gurudeva? Do you think we need to fix something?

Now we have to work very hard, but this is a blessing.

Thank you so much for engage us in service.

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

Here is the final NIMSAR logotype, what dou you think Gurumaharaja?

HpS - Ananga-manjari DD was also a founding member.

The Directors are the Board of Directors?  How are they chosen?   I would put the Officers as Non-voting Members. Of course, a Officers can also be Directors, but they don't have to be.

This is very, very enlivining news. We want to be very well integrated with the National Council. I hope that you are able to balance your sadhana, family, sankirtan.

Log is nice, simple. Maybe later more persona, like the Kindle logo.

Hare Krsna!!!