Regarding trip to Texas

9 years, 11 months ago by nataraj in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Dear guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams,

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I am glad that I will have the opportunity to see you in Houston. Regarding transcription, I like the lectures of Nectar of Instruction. I have not made much progress on the NOI transcription from the last time we talked.

I feel that I am quite lazy in doing anything which is hard. when I listen to the audio and by the time I type the contents, I forget the exact words said in the audio. I had to keep repeating the audio multiple times to transcribe it. It seems very hard for me, but I will try to get back on the transcription.

your servant,

Nilachala Chandra Das

HpS - ASA --- Hmmmm.  That is why we suggest devotees try doing one, because it may not be possible. Nobody can do every service naturally. Also, to do it professionally you need a transcribing machine.  Hmmmm????