Back in the saddle again...

9 years, 10 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

pamho, AGtSP!

Thank you so much for your valuable association…I will never look at molasses the same way again.

The few moments of your association brought more realizations in Krsna consciousness. Now seeing levels of scholarship in Bhakti and becoming less hesitant in associating with school (still know I’m a fool). Your superbly executed classes also contributed to this too, unfortunately there are not many instructors at your level, regardless am going to continue in pursuance of bhakti “buddhi” as best as possible.

Personal exchanges on the platform of sattya are amazing, so much sincere dialogue just escalates more inquiries and confirmations of our life’s purpose. Unlike any other communications from professional discourses to casual conversation…the technical emotions and profound logic in devotional relations need no actual definition, yet they are available.  Our Sadhana programs seem to encompass all facets of knowledge and desire even if we aren’t aware of specifics, got to love that mercy!

Also appreciate the candor of your frankness, just enhances the mood of friendship for old and new acquaintances. For me it also helps understanding my own shortcomings and the lessons of karma, even in “flood-pants”. Our individual demise and personal inequities are valid lessons if we are keen on acknowledging them; such is the potency of the science of self-realization.

The “Jaw-Paw” is still on schedule, new service times have helped, though seva is always waiting for me, learning to prioritize a little better now. Still actually need to focus using fingers, mouth, tongue, ears and mind (not necessarily in that order) while getting mantra-cadence. If done I am able to beat my average 10 minute per round mark. Not easy though, was born to run and that includes my mind, just doesn’t stop so easy. What is good if I can get the “reins on d’ brain” may actually get much faster, will keep you up dated.

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP!   Try chanting a few 3-second Mantras, maybe one round [with love].

We’re all looking forward to y’all’s return visit to Houston; Subhra always appreciates your support and guidance. However, she’s not completely satisfied with how management is handling school priorities keeping in mind it is a new project/ school. Acknowledging this, we also remember some of the trials and tribulations you’ve tolerated in this movement, so patience is being invoked. Ultimately, if decision-makers get too sluggish and splintered there are other devotee facilities, we’ll jockey this horse for now…Yee Haw!

All glories to your service, thank you for your valuable time.

Your servant in training,

caitanya caritamrta das, das anu das.

HpS - ASA - Thank you. Hare Krsna. Krsna was personally arranging all of the dice games, disrobings and finally the battle of Kuruksetra to achieve his ends, no? So we have to look for His plan and "take our place on the Great Mandala, as it moves through our brief moment of time.". See you in 21 days!

In superable picture.